July 2006 Climate Summary

Dr. David A. Robinson
New Jersey State Climatologist
Center for Environmental Prediction, Cook College/NJAES, Rutgers University

August 7, 2006

Preliminary estimates indicate that this July was the 37th wettest and 4th warmest since statewide records began in 1895. This is based on a subset of station data that will eventually arrive in the State Climate Office, however experience suggests that these rankings will not change greatly once all the reports are received.

Rainfall totaled 5.31”, versus an average of 4.49”. We are fortunate that these rains, along with the excessive rains of June, leave our reservoirs 10% above the seasonal normal as we enter August. The southwestern counties of Salem and Cumberland were wettest in July, with approximately 7.0” observed. The corridor between Routes 80 and 78 from Warren to Essex counties were next wettest with 5.5-6.0”. The counties of Sussex, Bergen, Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset and Mercer were the only ones with sub-average precipitation, ranging from 0.2” (Bergen and Somerset) to 1.1” (Monmouth) below average. Accompanying July’s precipitation were several events that included flooding rains, damaging winds and tragically, several deaths due to lightning.

The mean July temperature of 77.4° was 2.9° above normal. Only Julys in 1955 (79.0°), 1999 (78.4°), and 1949 (77.8°) have been warmer. August 2005 (77.4°) is the only other month on record in NJ that has equaled or exceeded this past month’s warmth. July 2005 (76.7°) tied for the 9th warmest July on record, and 8 of the 12 warmest Julys in the past 112 summers have occurred since 1988. In fact, 13 of the past 14 months have been above normal, further exemplifying the warmth of recent years. With August off to a tremendously warm start, it appears likely that the parade of warm months will continue.

Past Climate Summaries