Climate Summary for January

Station: Pennsauken (286863) State: New Jersey Period of Record: 1/1965-1/1968 (# of years included = 4) Normals Period: 1991-2020 Temperature Precipitation EXTREMES EXTREMES Greatest Daily Greatest | Cumulative Chance Chance Day Normal Normal | Highest Yr Lowest Yr Highest Yr Lowest Yr || amount snowfall | normal >=.01" >=.1" Max (F) Min (F) | Max (F) Max (F) Min (F) Min (F) || Inches Yr Inches Yr | precip(in) precip snow 1 | || 0.30 1968 3.0 1968 | 0.25 0.25 2 | || 0.27 1966 0.0 1967* | 0.50 0.00 3 | || 0.46 1966 0.0 1968 | 0.50 0.00 4 | || 0.13 1968 0.0 1968 | 0.25 0.00 5 | || 0.00 1968 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 6 | || 0.69 1966 0.0 1968* | 0.25 0.00 7 | || 0.12 1968 1.2 1968 | 0.50 0.25 8 | || 0.46 1965 0.0 1968* | 0.50 0.00 9 | || 0.15 1965 0.0 1965 | 0.50 0.00 10 | || 0.70 1965 3.0 1965 | 0.25 0.25 11 | || 0.45 1965 5.0 1965 | 0.25 0.25 12 | || 0.00 1968* 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 13 | || 0.00 1968* 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 14 | || 0.90 1968 0.0 1966 | 0.50 0.00 15 | || 1.60 1968 0.0 1968 | 0.50 0.00 16 | || 0.12 1965 1.0 1965 | 0.25 0.25 17 | || 0.30 1965 3.0 1965 | 0.25 0.25 18 | || 0.00 1968* 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 19 | || 0.00 1968* 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 20 | || 0.03 1967 0.5 1967 | 0.25 0.25 21 | || 0.00 1968* 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 22 | || 0.00 1967 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 23 | || 1.00 1966 0.0 1966 | 0.25 0.00 24 | || 0.20 1968 1.2 1966 | 0.67 0.33 25 | || 0.00 1968* 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 26 | || 0.00 1968* 0.0 1968* | 0.00 0.00 27 | || 0.20 1966 3.0 1966 | 0.25 0.25 28 | || 1.06 1967 0.0 1967 | 0.25 0.00 29 | || 0.06 1968 0.0 1967 | 0.25 0.00 30 | || 0.30 1966 3.0 1966 | 0.75 0.25 31 | || 0.35 1966 4.0 1966 | 0.50 0.25 * - Asterisk indicates that the record was also reached in previous years.