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National Hurricane Center

NJ Local Hurricane Statement

Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlook

Atlantic Tropical Weather Discussion

Full-Basin Tropical Cyclone Maps

Current Atlantic
Tropical Cyclones

NOAA GOES-8 Atlantic Water Vapor

NOAA GOES-8 Atlantic Infrared


Bill Gray's 2003 Atlantic Hurricane Forecast
NOAA 2003 Atlantic Hurricane Outlook
Buoy Observations

Western Gulf of Mexico
Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Southeast Coast
Northeast Coast
Nova Scotia
Surface/Upper Air Plots

Gulf of Mexico
Southeast U.S.
Northeast U.S.
Davidson Lab NJ Coastal Obs
QuikSCAT Sea Winds
NOS Water Level Network
Upper Air Time Section Analysis
Radar/Satellite Imagery

Doppler Radar
GOES Tropical Imagery
SSD Real-Time Satellite Data
Global Hydrology and Climate Center
NRL Tropical Cyclone Page
RAMSDIS Tropical Imagery
University of Hawaii
SST Analyses

NHC Atlantic SST Analysis
NHC Atlantic SST Anomaly
Navy N. Gulf Stream Analysis
Navy S. Gulf Stream Analysis
NESDIS N. Atlantic Analysis
UW Global SST Analysis
JHU Gulf Stream Composite
Surface Analyses
0000 UTC (8PM EDT)
0600 UTC (2AM EDT)
1200 UTC (8AM EDT)
1800 UTC (2PM EDT)
MPC Atlantic Sea State Analysis
NHC Sea State Analysis
NHC Wind/Wave Forecasts
  Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico

00 UTC (8PM EDT) - 24 hr
12 UTC (8AM EDT) - 24 hr
00 UTC (8PM EDT) - 48 hr
12 UTC (8AM EDT) - 48 hr
Educational Resources

AOML Hurricane FAQ
What is Universal Time (UTC)?
Tropical Cyclone Names
The Saffir-Simpson Scale
Glossary of NHC Terms
Tropical Cyclone Climatology
Tropical Cyclone Zones of Origin
Hurricane Return Periods
Historical Info

NHC Hurricane Tracks
NOAA CSC Hurricane Tracks
UNISYS Hurricane Tracks
JHU Hurricane Tracks and Images
U.S. Hurricane Strikes by State
GOES-8 Archived Satellite Imagery
NCDC Historical GOES Imagery
NCAR NEXRAD Data Archive
Questions or comments? Please contact the WebManager at: cduvall@rci.rutgers.edu

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Hurricane Tracking Charts

NHC Hurricane Tracking Chart
(Requires Adobe Acrobat)

NOAA Hurricane Tracking Chart
Color Hurricane Tracking Chart