A Mild and Moist Sixth Month
June 2007 Climate Summary

Dr. David A. Robinson
New Jersey State Climatologist
Center for Environmental Prediction, Cook College/NJAES, Rutgers University
July 4, 2007

A sampler of all sorts of early summer weather conditions visited the Garden State in June 2007. The mean statewide temperature was 70.9°, which at 1.5° above normal makes this the 19th warmest since 1895. Daily maxima equaled or exceeded 90° at more than one station on 9 days. Only stations right along the coast failed to reach 90° on at least one occasion. The coolest morning of the month occurred following the summer solstice, on the 24th. Most of the state was in the upper 40s and low 50s, with the exception of the coast, where the temperature was near 60° and northwest Jersey valleys, where Walpack fell to 38°.

New Jersey fared rather well in the precipitation department this June. Precipitation totaled 4.45", which is 0.66" above normal, and the 32nd wettest. The largest event was on the 3rd and 4th when the remains of Tropical Storm Barry brought 1" to 2" of welcome rain to most of the state. Well-spaced thunderstorms brought the bulk of the remaining rain, with thunder reported somewhere in the state on at least 8 days. The fact that several lightning-related injuries and fires resulted from these storms emphasizes the importance of keeping a keen and respectful eye on the sky at this time of year.

New Jersey enters July with stream flow and ground water levels a bit below average, in part due to May being so dry. However thanks to a record wet April, reservoirs are at normal capacities. Drought conditions can arise rather quickly at this time of the year, so timely July and August rains will be most welcome.

Past Climate Summaries